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I am going to step on your humbug

Writer's picture: Helen EscottHelen Escott

So Shopper's Drug Mart stopped playing Christmas music because customers complained it was too early. Really? Didn't they care about the customers who loved it?

I play Christmas music all year 'round. I have, I guess what would be considered an antique stereo system. It has a turn-table. It also hold five CDs. It has held the same five CDs for a few years now: David Foster - The Christmas Album, Josh Groban - Noel, Andrea Bocelli - My Christmas, Country Christmas featuring various Country artists and of course, Elvis Presley - Christmas Duets.

When I turn the stereo on it automatically goes to the CD player. So in July when I start cleaning the house on a Saturday morning the first thing I do is turn on the stereo for background music and it's instantly Christmas! All my Angels are heard on high.

I am vacuuming to Elvis's Blue Christmas, dusting to Andrea Bochelli's Jingle Bells and folding laundry to Josh Groban's Silent Night.

How can you get sick of Christmas music? What kind of cold-hearted, sick person are you? You're suppose to have your Christmas spirit all year round.

When I hear people say "Oh no Walmart has Christmas decorations out!" Or "The neighbours have the tree up already." I just want to kick them right in the jingle balls.

My tree went up last weekend. I love putting the tree up. Every ornament on our tree has a special meaning: Our First Christmas together bulb, Baby's First Christmas silver boots, Baby Girl's first Christmas pink rattle. Ever where we travel we find a Christmas ornament to hang on our tree. I have a gold-plated Graceland ornament, Grand-Ole Opry bulb, even a piranha wearing a Christmas hat from Roatan in Honduras! The tree is full to the brim with twenty years of memories.

Putting up the tree is not about getting an early start on Christmas for me. It's about re-living Christmases past. I don't have three ghosts to show me how my life could have turned out. I have a tree full of ghosts telling me how lucky I am.

The kids love decorating the tree with me. They get so excited going through the box of ornaments finding the ones they picked out over the years and the ones about their lives. My son is finishing high-school this year and plans to go to the Air Force to be a pilot. He will be moving to Kingston to start his Engineering degree in September. Which means this will probably be the last Christmas that he'll decorate the tree with me. I had a hard time holding back the tears when he found all his Star Wars ornaments and lined them up together on the tree like he's done since he was a little boy.

What's wrong with people? Don't we need a little Christmas all year long?

I love Christmas. I love the parties, the decorating, the lights, the chocolate coconut-balls that everybody buys at Costco and pretends they made from scratch.

I love hiding the presents, wrapping the presents, opening the presents. I love going to Church to see the Christmas pageant especially when the kids were in it.

I love a White Christmas. I love dancing to Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree and I really love it when I am the Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.

How is it possible to hate Christmas music? Don't you feel the tears swell when Bob Seger sings Little Drummer Boy? Doesn’t your heart swell when you hear John Lennon's Happy Christmas War is Over?

I remember being a high school cheerleader and dancing to Jingle Bell Rock from the Confederation Building to the Avalon Mall wearing three pairs on nylons to stay warm. Who doesn't do the actions to Madonna's Santa Baby? I always laugh when my BFF hears Feliz Navidad and changes the words to "Please marry Dot." It never gets old.

How do you not sing out loud to Frosty the Snowman? The words are tattooed on your brain for God's sake and like you don't imitate Alvin during the Chipmunk song.

What about driving in the van singing "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer had a very shiny nose" and the kids in the back singing out "Like a light bulb!"

Like you're not marching around the store when Snoopy's Christmas comes on.

Hubby loves Jim Reeves’ - Old Christmas Card. He sings it whenever it comes on and I love it when he does. I have kept every Christmas card he ever gave me because of that song.

I love Christmas music all year round because it brings back such happy memories for me. Every song makes me smile, laugh, dance or cry. Even the VOCM Christmas song makes me cry.

I don't like people who don't like Christmas music.

Eight-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon wrote a letter to the editor of New York's Sun in September 1897.

She wrote:

DEAR EDITOR: I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, 'If you see it in THE SUN it's so. Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus? The Editor of the Sun published his much loved letter. Ending it with "No Santa Claus! Thank God! he lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood."

So Humbug to you people who say Christmas comes too early each year. It should be Christmas all year round. Turn up the music Shopper's Drug Mart. I'll dance in your aisles.



Old Lady Story
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